Cruisin' thru the Cozies Reading Challenge 2011

Soo.....another challenge! xD I think this would be the last one I will join. I have been looking for a Cozy Mystery challenge, I want to read more cozies next year :D


1. Choose the level you wish to participate:

Level 1 - Snoop - Read 1-6 books
Level 2 - Investigator - Reading 7-12 books
Level 3 - Super Sleuth - Read 13 or more books

2. The challenge runs from January 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2011.

3. You don't have to choose your books in advance. If you do, you can change your list at any time during the year. Books can overlap with other challenges.

4. Books can be in any format - paper, audio, all counts!

5. You don't have to post a review, but I'm sure others would love to know about the books you are reading and may even want to add it to their reading lists.

6. Take the button above, put it on your blog and post about the challenge. Then add your name to Mr. Linky...Please use the link of challenge post, not the link to your home page.

My Goal: 
I will go for level 3 Super Sleuth, and read 13 books or more.

Update: I decided to erase the list I made last year of books to read and read whatever I felt like reading :)

4 / 13 books. 31% done!


  1. Welcome to the challenge. You already have some great books listed. Good luck!

  2. Good luck on your challenge! Hope you enjoy the cozies :)


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