Happy New Year! + Wrap Up


Hey guys, can you believe it!? It's almost 2012 and wow, 2011 was fast!

I can't say 2011 was bad, actually, it was pretty amazing. I traveled, graduated, got a job. I was healthy and happy. And even when I couldn't achieve some of my goals (as my reading goals), I'm really happy and thankful for 2011.

As I kid I never understood why people cared so much about the new year, but now I get it. It's the time to start over, forget the past and write some new goals. I'm still thinking about my goals for 2012...but let's talk about my reading goals in 2011:

My 2011 Reading Challenge at Goodreads was to read 125 books. I couldn't keep up with my reading and I managed to read 89 books. Not bad actually, but less than 2010. I have excuses, of course, but how about 100 books for 2012?

I failed to achieve my goals on the Dystopia, GLBTOutdo Yourself and Cozy Mysteries Challenges, but I did great on my 1st in a Series ChallengeE-Book Challenge and Holiday Reading Challenge. =)

So, what do you think? How did you do on 2011, and what are your goals for 2012?

BTW, Happy New Year!


  1. I agree, I never understood why people cared so much about the new year but I get it now. I've never made any resolutions before but this year is going to be an exception.

    Happy New Year and greetings from Hungary! :) xxx


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