Book Review: A Million Suns by Beth Revis

Author: Beth Revis
Series: Across the Universe #2
Release Date: January 10th 2012
Publisher: Razorbill
Age: Young Adult
Godspeed was once fueled by lies. Now it is ruled by chaos. It’s been three months. In that time, Amy has learned to hide who she is. Elder is trying to be the leader he’s always wanted to be. But as the ship gets more and more out of control, only one thing is certain: They have to get off the ship.
Why did I wait so long to read A Million Suns!? It was on my bookshelf for months, and one day I was out of electricity for a few hours and decided to pick a book.

Wow! If I liked Across the Universe, I absolutely loved A Million Suns. It starts right at the middle of the mess, the people is getting crazy, revolution, lies, murder, and Amy and Elder trying to discover what's really wrong with Godspeed.

Desperation! That's the feeling of the book. I just wanted to punch a lot of the characters, even Elder sometimes. Amy seemed to be the only one sane, but of course she's a freak from the Earth, what does she knows?!

The amazing about this book is that I think people acted exactly like they would do in this situation. People tend to turn situations worse because of fear, instead of trying to think for a solution. Nobody was really into finding a way to get somewhere, only Amy and Elder. I enjoyed to see them working together and discovering the huge secrets from Godspeed.

Overall, if you are looking for an interesting and original series, Across the Universe if you for. And if you read Across the Universe and liked it, don't wait like me, read A Million Suns ASAP. And have Shades of Earth ready at your nightstand  because the end if a major cliffhanger!! I can't wait to read it but it will take me some time to get it from USA... ;(


  1. Oh, I hope you get Shades of Earth soon. It has even more twists than AMS. And yes, this book is full of desperation. They had to get off Godspeed, but I felt like tearing through the walls myself sometimes :)

  2. So glad that you loved AMS! This story was definitely chaotic. So many secrets!

    Fabulous review :)

  3. This has been on my tbr for a while too. Glad to hear it was a great book in the series.
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  4. Sounds like you really loved this one! I haven't read Across the Universe, but it does sound interesting. Hope you can get the third one soon!

  5. I loved this book! Adore. I can't wait to read the last book in the trilogy. But, I also feel very sad it's going to be over soon.

  6. I'm really glad you liked this one- I have 'Across the Universe' sitting on my shelf and I WILL get round to it one day. It sounds awesome so I really have no excuse.


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