NetGalley Month (January) Wrap Up

A couple of weeks ago I declared January was NetGalley month here at Oh My Books!, and the time to finally read those galleys I have and still haven't read. I compromised myself to read as many as possible...

I read:
  1. Holiday Kisses (Anthology)
  2. Last Chance Beauty Queen by Hope Ramsay
  3. Until There Was You by Kristan Higgins
  4. Kiss Me, I'm Irish by Roxanne St. Claire, Jill Shalvis, Maureen Child (review to be posted)
  5. Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen (currently reading)

What do you think? :P


  1. Well Done, I have almost been able to stick with, see it, request it, read it when dealing with NetGalley, I only choose the wow omg, they have that hahahaha


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