Comics Review: The Pulse Vol. 1 - 3
The Pulse Vol. 1: Thin Air Former super hero and current private investigator Jessica Jones has just been offered a new job: a position with the Bugle's new super-hero section, The Pulse! Jessica's first assignment: to uncover the true identity of a former Bugle reporter's super-powered murderer! How will Jessica's shocking discovery affect the entire Marvel Universe? The Pulse Vol. 2: Secret War Jessica Jones and Luke Cage's lives have been destroyed by the events of the Secret War, so what is Jessica going to do about it? Fans of Secret War - feel The Pulse as it pounds out more gritty intrigue even as it welcomes a new artist: award-winning comics superstar Brent Anderson (Rising Stars, Astro City)! Guest-starring: Captain America, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Nick Fury, and more! The Pulse Vol. 3: Fear Fans of Jessica Jones have waited two years for two things: the return of award-winning artist Michael Gaydos to the pages of the books he was born to dra...